Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 2.11.58 PMJENNA, HUMBLE BLOGGER

Lover of sweet funk basslines and turn of the century delta blues artists, it’s fairly clear only they can make something like a bedtick seem downright romantic. Now that’s music making right there.

Jenna writes the daily items, curates and produces the podcast, waxes poetic on that genre which folded her to music forever with the Punk Thursday series, and keeps the Blues Archive in check.

She also blogs about her making endeavors over at Kraftwork.


Doc often provides the blog with guest mixes. Known for his Mixtape Vol. series, he is appreciated as an ultimate tastemaker in music on the web.

He occasionally produces and creates playlists, in memoriam mixtapes, and guest podcasts for the blog.


A hack reporter in a wealthy suburban town, he manages to get through the day…or at least morning and evening traffic…by listening to music. He has often been caught singing while driving and prays his warbles aren’t audible to other poor souls stuck in traffic with him–especially when it happens to be Miley Cyrus’s “See You Again” or a mangled version of a cheesy Russian pop song.

He dreams of one day becoming an ace songwriter specializing in sad bastard tunes. “Embarrassing Stories,” “I Have No One [But Myself to Blame],” and “Sunny Days Are Wasted On Me” are some working titles. They’ll be unleashed once he feels the world is finally ready for an Irish-Lithuanian-Bolivian tone-deaf crooner with an affinity for British mope rock (in other words, never).

Esteban writes live reviews, curates the Sad Bastard Sunday series and talks at length about bespectacled and/or redheaded frontwomen.